别理我 烦着呢



在一所著名大学里的历史课上,教授正在向来自各国的同学提问:“要生存还是要灭亡。”这句名言出自谁的口中? 沉寂了半天之后,古田站起来说:“威廉?莎士比亚。” “很好,被誉为“欧洲的良心”是指谁? “罗曼.罗兰。” “要么给我自由,要么让我死。’这句名言最早出自谁之口?“1775年,巴特利克?亨利说的。”“很好,那么,‘民有、民治、民享’是谁说的。”“1863年,亚伯拉罕?林肯说的。”“完全正确,同学们,刚才回答问题的是位日本学生,可是作为欧洲国家的学生却答不出来,太遗憾了,教授不无感慨的说道。 “干死小日本!” 突然有人发出一声喊叫。 “谁!谁说的!”教授气得语音都颤抖了。 “1945年,杜鲁门总统说的。”约翰站了起来。 “你以为自己在干什么?”教授生气的说道。 “麦当娜说的。”杰克也站了起来。 “这真叫人恶心,简直无法无天了。”教授浑身气得发抖。 “1991年,乔治?布什会见日本首相时候说的。”斯蒂芬也坐不住了。 课堂立刻陷入了混乱之中,所有的学生都开始议论纷纷,一些学生开始起哄:”耶 ! 真TM的够劲。” “克林顿对莱温斯基说的。”玛丽毫无表情的接话道。 整个班级都陷入混乱,一些学生冲古田高喊:你这泡狗屎,你再敢说话我就把你干掉。”   “2001年,盖瑞?康迪特对莱薇说的。(注:莱薇系白宫实习生,2001年被谋杀于华盛顿。其前男友、民主党人康迪特做为嫌疑人被拒捕) 教授愤怒得说不出话来,隔了一会,他大踏步的向门外走去,到门口时,他冷冷的看了所有人一眼:“我会回来的。 “阿诺得,施瓦辛格说的。”鲍勃终于插上话了。 古田委屈的一摊手:”我没做什么坏事,为什么会这样?“ “张国荣说的。”李小丽一脸崇拜的神情回答 所有的学生都围成一个圈,汤姆有些垂头丧气:“该死,我们完了。” “希特勒说的。”伊汉诺娃立刻回答。 一个学生说:“MD,这回我们有大麻烦了。” “2002年,亚瑟?安德森说的。”简回答道。   (注:亚瑟?安德森,安达信会计事 务所,美国五大会计公司之一,2002年因为安龙丑闻而陷入倒闭境地)赖特叹了口气:“今天将是一个很有意义的日子。 “本.拉登说的”。克瑞斯终于为自己能说出一个名字而得意。 “这决非是我最得意的一天。”古田惭愧的说着。 “托尼.布莱尔说的。”已经不知道谁在回答。 这时校长和教授一起进来了,他脸色铁青,几乎是一字一顿的说道:“你们要为此付出代价!” “斯大林说的。”全班同学异口同声的回答。




也许,因为是天蝎座的人,对蝎子乐队好感增加10%, 呵呵
一个是德国最具代表性的摇滚经典乐团,另一个是德国最具知名度的百年国宝级交响乐团,他们先在2000年合作发行了一张录音室同名作”Moment of Glory”,真正掀起一股摇滚乐交响化的旋风。


对于摇滚乐团而言,录音室作品只是个宣告,现场表演才是他们真正的好戏。在德国汉诺瓦第一次举办的2000年世界博览会(EXPO 2000)中他们举办了这场意义非凡的演唱会,担任的团体仍是和他们配合相当成功的柏林管弦乐团,在一开场的曲目Hurricane 2000中,我们真正感受到摇滚乐和交响乐结合的音符&音响震撼感,在DTS & DD 5.1的环绕音场下,成半弧形排列的各式弦乐器、铜管乐器、打击乐器(定音鼓、摇滚鼓、打击乐器一字排开在舞台最后方)、节奏电吉他、主奏吉他、贝斯、合 音女声、主唱,近百人的表演编制可说是声势浩大,在听觉和视觉上都是一流的演出阵仗。接下来表演的曲目Moment of Glory更是让人惊叹:除了这首荣获EXPO 2000官方单位挑选为主题曲的殊荣外,他们更邀请来自维也纳,曾经和三大男高音合作过的儿童合唱团一起演唱,百人乐队加上天使般合音,顿时让演唱会达到 最高潮。

主唱克劳斯梅尼(Klaus Meine)优秀的音色一直是在摇滚界无与伦比,在这场演唱会里他邀请了两位特别来宾共襄盛举合唱歌曲,首先出场的便是来自美国的实力派美艳女歌手林莱契 蒂(Lyn Liechty)合唱优美情歌对唱Here In My Heart。 两人的歌声融在一起不仅好听,搭上吉他手麦特斯贾伯斯(Matthias Jabs)的空心吉他演奏,真是一幅美妙的画面。另外一位合唱者则是目前担任前卫摇滚乐团Genesis主唱的雷卫尔森(Ray Wilson),演唱的曲目则是笔者相当喜爱的曲目Big City Nights。 这是一首音量愈大愈好听的摇滚劲歌,镜头下的管弦乐团成员卖力的拉弦、吹管、敲打果然让整首歌充满火力,赢得台下观众起立鼓掌致意。

接下 来展现古典细腻与乐器美声的16分钟组曲(Deadly Sting Suite)则是让人相当印像深刻的作品。电吉他的角色成为管弦乐团里「编制外的编制」,有时候呈现的音色是伤感多情的诉愿者,有时候的音色却是情势紧 迫的宣战者,有时候的音色则让人想到Metallica式的金属冲击感,舞台上的团员像是着了魔似地展现他们毕生所学,真是技术首超激、编曲过瘾的组曲, 台下的观众对于这两个国宝级的乐团无不骄傲起立鼓掌长达一分半钟。

喜欢听Scorpions音乐的人一定会对他们描写苏联共产政权瓦解、倡导世界和平的歌曲Wind of Change有印像,经过柏林管 弦乐团的洗礼后,这首歌宏观地呈现了艺术化的世界观。另一首摇滚抒情经典曲Still Loving You则是在空心吉他的音色中展开主唱深情的歌声,管弦乐的张力将整首曲子衬托出更激情的情感因子。安可曲Moment of Glory则在所有来宾及儿童合唱团及台下观众的大合唱下完美写下摇滚与交响结合的光荣史迹,这次的演出真的是德国人值得「光荣的时刻」。






自从打羽毛球一来昨晚打了 最爽的一次,哈哈。





提问要大呼 "大侠救命啊" "问题大条了" 等等言语 才能得到高的点击率,相信我的,不要被这篇鸟文给误导了!



H264 Encoding tips

--1-pass vs 2-pass--
I recommend 2-pass mode for all of the encodes which you wish to reach a certain filesize. 1-pass mode is strictly for those who are severely short on time or do not expect to attain high-quality output. It is sometimes used to produce streaming content (see the streaming section below) or constant quality content (see the Constant Quality section below).

--Constant Quality--
If you wish your video to maintain a specific, constant quality the whole way through, use only the Constant Quality feature of 1-pass mode.
<> Do not use a quantizer of under 15 unless you are working for archive/reproduction quality.
<> Also, do not use anything over 40: the quality is simply unbearable unless you are encoding from an extremely sharp source of high-contrast edges and plan on streaming it over the internet.
<> A good bet for most people interested in high quality video would be the range of 22-30 (or, more specifically, 24-28). Of course, this varies depending on individual taste and how much free space you have.
<> On animated content with few detailed textures, consider using a higher quantizer.
<> On "real-life" content, especially that with many dark scenes and important subtle textures, consider using a much lower quantizer value.

--Encoding: High Speed, High Quality--
Best mix of encoding quality and encoding speed:
These are the recommended settings which produce the maximum quality AVC encodes while maximizing encoding speed.

<> 4-5 references are the typically accepted maximum. However, if you have a little bit of extra time on your hands (or a beefy computer), consider using up to 8 references (which decode just about as fast as 5, according to my Pocket PC AVC benchmarks).

<> I very strongly urge you to use 2-4 consecutive B-frames*, but only with content with a framerate over 23.976fps (I typically use 0-1 on 12-15fps animation or Very-Extremely-Low bitrate streaming content).

<> B-frame reduction (if you choose to use B-frames) should be adjusted according to the desired datarate. For most DVD backups, the default B-frame reduction of 30% seems to be sufficient. However, with certain animated medium bitrate content, I suggest use of up to 50% B-frame reduction.

<> See the "Bitrate Variability" section below for tips on how to set this field.

<> I keep sub-pel refinement on "6 RD-oh!”; the quality increase is very noticeable and well worth the mere seconds lost in the overall encoding job.

<> I check every single one of the checkboxes (for High Profile output) or all but the 8x8 transform (for MP-compliant streams). You may want to consider un-checking chroma estimation for non-animated source, but I find the quality is always helped by it (controversial issue). Of course, you can disable B-frame search if you disabled B-frames, though it makes no difference to the codec.

<> Don't ever use CAVLC... My benchmarks prove that decoding CABLC streams is only slightly faster than CABAC and compression is drastically decreased by its use. In other words, always keep CABAC checked.

<> Personally, I find that the keyframe threshold of 45% and keyframe QP boost: 20 to be the optimal in achieving quality at medium bitrates. However, if you wish to produce Ultra-Low-Bitrate video (DVD backups less than one CD), consider reducing this to 0, for your video's quality (PSNR) per BM will increase.

<> I suggest use of hexagonal motion estimation if encoding speed is desired. It provides sufficient quality for its speed. However, if you have a particularly complex source (or if you really want to scrimp for the best possible quality), try Uneven Multi-Hexagon with a ME range of 16-32, depending on the framerate of the source. Generally lower framerates (12-15 as opposed to 23.976-29.97) need a higher estimation range.

<> Consult the Deblocking Guide near the end of this guide for the best deblocking settings.

I find that this method delivers the best possible quality and filesize while achieving fast encoding speed.

--Encoding: Absolute Max Quality--
These are the recommended settings which produce the maximum quality AVC encodes regardless of encoding speed.

Best Possible Quality (regardless of encoding speed)
<> Use 16 reference frames (the max allowed). The compression quality will be increased slightly at the expense of some encoding time.

<> Use 2-3 max consecutive B-frames* with 30% B-frame size reduction for medium-high bitrates (2-CD backups). Use 1 B-frame with 40% reduction on animated or low bitrate (1-CD backups or less) content. Use 0 B-frames if you are using Very Extremely Low streaming bitrates. Also, use 0 B-frames if you wish to encode archive quality material.

<> Enable All motion searches and CABAC for HP-compliant content (in other words, check all the checkboxes on the lower half of x264's GUI) OR all but the 8x8 DCT for MP-compliant content (although technically, HP content offers significantly better compression quality, it is yet unsupported in many multimedia applications.)

<> Sub-pel refinement should be set to 6 or 7 (CLI), the maximum.

<> In maximum-quality content, I find that the keyframe threshold of 35% and keyframe QP boost of either: 30 or 0 to be the optimal in achieving quality at medium-high bitrates in my "maximum possible quality" mode.

<> Use Exhaustive motion estimation with range of 16 (for pretty darn slow encoding and exemplary quality) or 32 (for painfully slow encoding but highest possible quality). Do not set this value higher than 32 or you will risk loosing quality. Consider 32 to be the peak of the quality mountain, so to speak.

<> See the "Bitrate Variability" section below for tips on how to set this field.

<> Consult the Deblocking Guide near the end of this guide for the best deblocking settings.

<> Take advantage of the newly released custom H.264 quantization matrices. These nifty little numerical spreadsheets control how and where the bitrate goes to each frame. Typically, these matrices are beginning to see some circulation, but they are still being tweaked to provide the best quality possible. The x264 codec currently supports this feature (rev. 365).

*B-frames can be activated in "pyramid" mode, which allows B-frames to serve as references. If you wish to use a lot of references (and thereby increase quality slightly), consider selecting the "Use as references" checkbox. However, this option may cause some crashes with both the encoder and the decoder (if either is old enough). For this reason, I recommend NOT using B-frame references.

Again, these are the best possible settings for optimal performance in the quality-only range.

--Bitrate Variability--
The bitrate variability feature controls how much your datarate can fluxuate at any given time. That is, if you plan on encoding at 500kbps and set this value to 40, the maximum amount of bitrate given to more complex scenes is 700kbps. In a nutshell, the lower you set this value, the better still/non-complex scenes look, but high-motion/complex scenes will look more shabby and garbled. The higher you set this value, the more equal the overall quality will become: still scenes would look worse than with a low value, and high-motion/complex scenes would look a lot better. Overall, it comes down to this: if your source content is an extremely high-paced surge of complex/fast motion (the background moves a lot, there are many scene changes, colors change a lot, high-contrast particles are always flying, etc), make the value higher. Else, leave it be or lower it if your source is...calmer.

---Deblocking Guide---
The deblocker (also known as the "in-loop filter") is an interesting feature of H.264 that was previously unavailable in the older MPEG-4 ASP standard. Such filtering is very useful for eliminating blocks, as its name suggests, but it is also very controversial because it can lead to some pretty bad misuse as well. When enabled (as it always should be, in my opinion, except in lossless, quantizer=0 encoding), it is typically centered at 0, with a threshold of 0.

Think of it as a clothes washing service. The deblocking threshold determines how much of the material needs to be "washed," while the deblocking strength determines how strong of a "washing" effect is needed to eliminate the blocks, or "stains." Naturally, if you don't wash (deblock) enough of the material, there will still be some stains (blocks) left, away from the washed area. Also, if you don't wash (deblock) hard or strong enough, the stains (blocks) simply won't fade/disappear. However, if you wash too much or scrub too hard, you'll ruin the material, because instead of stains, there will be the ugly lack of color where all the texture and detail rubbed out.

Both bars are initially set to 0 for a reason: this is the standard deblocking that will lead to the most accurate mix of deblocking while maintaining detail. If, however, you find the result unsatisfying, look to these tips:

<> If multiple consecutive B-frames are used, you may wish to increase deblocking strength to eliminate between-frame noise. This is especially important if you encode with Recode.

<> If you are encoding an animated source, heavier deblocking is suggested to eliminate all blocks possible. The drawn content is more resistant to smearing due to the high-contrast edges. On the other hand, if you are encoding a "real-life" video, especially one with intricate textures and low/poor lighting, consider decreasing the deblocking to preserve such things without creating a washing effect.

<> To determine what you think is best, try the standard 0/0 settings on a small but indicative sample of the source and experiment with it, keeping in mind the below guidelines.

<> For deblocking strength, try not go out of bounds of the -3 to 3 range. Generally, any more than 3 will turn your result into mush while decreasing PSNR and actually increasing the output file slightly. Any less than -3 may cause the result to look a bit too blocky and any lack of texture will merely become more apparent as all smoothing is taken out.

<> For deblocking threshold, it all depends on the source. Lighting and content type (edge contrast) seem to play the biggest role in determining what needs to be deblocked. Stick to the range of -4 to 4: if the value is set too high, everything is smeared. Setting it too low would mean that hardly anything actually gets deblocked, leaving sharp images with too much mosquito noise).

<> Try to keep a positive correlation between the two settings. That is, if you want heavier deblocking, make sure to increase the threshold so that more gets deblocked, and vise versa. Recall the comparison with the clothes washing: you don't want to heavily wash a small area while the rest remains unwashed; the unwashed areas will stand out more in stark vividness and provide an ugly visual effect.

---Adaptive Quantization---
Present in certain AVC encoders, lumi masking is an encoding technique in which darker areas are awarded less quality than lighter ones, giving more bitrate to the more "visible" parts of the video. This is an example of an encoding tool that can LOWER the PSNR quality measure but actually increase the quality that your eyes see.

<> The main determining factor in whether or not you would like to enable Lumi Masking is the darkness of your source. In films with very dark scenes (dungeons, tunnels, night, shadow), turn this OFF or LOW for good measure. If the source isn't very dark, I'd recommend you try moderate enhancement. Strong lumi masking can lead to problems (the codec might think important semi-dark things are "dark enough" to heavily reduce the quality and create blocking, which may be obvious to the viewer). Check out CiNcH's post below for more info...



Philip Katz为世界贡献了一个伟大的Zip压缩算法,而他自己却几乎没有从中获得任何好处!最后却因贫困潦倒死在汽车中。在WinRAR 近些年的崛起让很多人忘却了当初98系统中的Winzip.秉承着”自由之神”Richard Stallman伟大的GNU计划,历时近5年的沉淀,一款压缩软件进入我的视野——7-Zip!


其次是他的OPEN SOURCE,说实话,如果在功能大概差不多的情况下,我可不愿意偷偷摸摸的去用什么共享软件。接着我们来看7-Zip的主要特征:

* 更新了算法来加大 7z 格式 的压缩比
* 7-Zip 是基于 GNU LGPL 之下发布的软件
* 对于 ZIP 及 GZIP 格式,7-Zip 能提供比使用 PKZip 及 WinZip 高 2-10% 的压缩比
* 7z 格式支持创建自释放(SFX)压缩档案
* 集成 Windows 外壳扩展
* 强大的的文件管理
* 强大的命令行版本
* 支持 FAR 管理器
* 共有 46 种界面语言





有个人发布了Ateme的H264编码器供测试用,说:"enjoy it"

然后有个人回了说:enjoy? i'm on your knees guys. this codec is a world-wonder!





胸前MP Player上裹一层纸,上书:速效救心丸-