转载: 红磨坊《Moulin Rouge》
回忆:2001年的时候我还在14舍503, 用LeapFTP下载了两天才下到了这部电影. 那个时候不知道自动断点续传,上课前祈祷千万不要断啊!下之前都不知道是什么片子.那时候还没有什么P2P, verycd什么的, 有什么下什么,根本由不得自己挑. 好在那个年代有北大的天网搜索, 能搜到教育网里面的FTP. 下回来一看Moulin和Rouge两个单词一个不认识,查字典才知道是红磨坊.
题注: 红磨坊以前和现在据说都是巴黎的夫子庙,专门骗外地旅游者的钱的.
十九世纪末,巴黎蒙马特区的红磨坊以女子露大腿的康康舞再度扬名世界,无论贫贱聪愚,人人来此纵欲狂欢,*妓与嫖客、毒品烟酒、寻求创作灵感的艺术家、与络绎不 绝的观光客,为这个地方更增华丽、颓废的魅惑色彩。
开场选择的情歌皇帝 Nat King Cole,在50年代演唱的一首经典爵士作品《Nature boy》(天生男孩),就牢牢抓住了我的耳朵。在原来的版本中,这首歌虽然也有些淡淡的惆怅,但更多的是一种深情款款的憧憬。为了配合影片的悲剧主题,Craig放慢了弦乐的步伐,使整个乐章弥漫着一种浓密的愁云,而后又用管乐的瞬间爆发制造出震撼的戏剧效果。值得一提唱片公司在这部电影原声的商业版中,又衍生出了两个效果截然不同的版本,一个是David Bowie演绎的独唱版,低沉压抑中带着几许愤怒;另一个是David和知名电子乐团Massive Attack合作的现代版,彻底改变了原来歌曲中的那种怀旧效果,甚至有了些未来色彩。可惜这两个版本都不是影片中出现的版本,幸好随着这部影片的发行,电影公司曾经制作过一张宣传版的原声,才让我如愿以偿地欣赏到影片中那个典型百老汇式的版本,其中那一声"LOVE RETURN"的怒吼,爆发出的戏剧张力远非上面两个流行版所能比拟的。另外,在宣传版的原声CD上,还特意增加了一个纯管弦乐版本,虽然没有人声大起大落的渲染,但是管乐的爆发力来得丝毫不遑多让。
影片《红磨坊》的一个最大特色,就是其中的插曲基本上都是一些经典流行歌曲改编的。象男主角Christian在和女主角Satine初次相见时演唱的一曲《Your Song》,就是摇滚歌星Elton John一首脍炙人口的作品,不过稍微改变了一下歌词而已,就准确表现出男主角作为一个情窦初开的少年,那种爱情至上的纯真感情,尽管有些肉麻,但不能否认很能打动人。让我感到意外的是Christian的扮演者Ewan McGregor,虽然他不是职业歌手,但那高亢嘹亮的嗓音相当有天分,演唱这首歌时所需要的那种激情非常到位,开篇的一句"我的就是我的歌"已经显示出不俗的音乐素养,而后平稳流畅的歌声更是一气呵成,没有丝毫拖沓,在专业的美声男高音里,仍然没有被淹没,实在难得。在宣传版的原声,不仅有Ewan McGregor演唱版,还增加了一个纯音乐的版本。作曲家Craig Armstrong以钢琴为主轴,辅以弦乐流畅舒缓的旋律,给人以情到深处,尽在不言中的美妙感觉。收尾部分的钢琴则采用地道的古典技法,展现出男主角温柔典雅的绅士气息。
当然,作为一部歌舞片,如果都是些陈年旧作,难免引来非议。但是说创作者偷工减料,难免有些偏颇,因为这部影片的主题歌《Come What May》是地地道道的原创作品。蛰伏好一段日子的教父级制作人David Forst一出手就不凡,这首《Come WhatMay》不仅有着朗朗上口的优美年旋律,更在风格上保持了和其它引用作品的统一性,因此没有一点突兀的感觉。David避重就轻的手法,使两位非职业歌手的主演在演绎这部作品时,发挥了自己的最高水平,酣畅淋漓的歌声成为全片的一个亮点。
和 Ewan McGregor 相比,女主角的扮演者 Nicole Kidman 虽然也很卖力,但唱功上就差了一截,特别是到了高音部分,经常出现明显的声音失控,别的不说。她在演唱《One Day I'll Fly Away》(有天我将展翅高飞)时,那句Yesterday尾音特别僵硬,而且这还是在整个歌曲放低了调门的情况下。所以在演绎《SparklingDiamonds》这种带难度的爵士作品,不得不把原来曲子的调子进一步放低。这样,不仅可以遮盖高音表现上的不足,也能展现爵士风骚入骨的特点,别说,那低沉沙哑的声音还真有几分性感。最后不得不提到的是收录在宣传版原声中的一首《A Fool ToBelieve》(一个信任未来的傻瓜)。这首歌并没在商业版原声中出现,但却是这个电影中 Nicole Kidman 演绎得最好的一首作品。它是女主人公被告之自己患有绝症,不久于人世时,万念俱灰中所演唱的。Nicole低沉的嗓音和阴郁沮丧的旋律配合得相得益彰,不但没有走音或者声音失控的情况,而且比其它作品都显得流畅。原因无他,这首歌是Craig Armstrong根据她的音域而特别创作的,作为一名非职业歌手,演绎起来自然要容易流畅许多。
这部影片的成功在很大程度上依靠的是音乐衬托,除了上面讲到的歌曲,CraigArmstrong创作的配乐更是起到了举足轻重的作用,所以才能赢得包括金球奖在内的多个最佳电影配乐奖。曾经先后为《Romeo & Juliet》(罗密欧与朱丽叶)、《BoneCollector》(人骨拼图)、《Kiss Of Dragon》(龙之吻)等影片作曲的Craig是近年来好莱坞配乐领域备受好评的新贵。早在他和导演Baz Luhrmanns合作《Romeo &Juliet》时,我们已经领教了他那种不拘泥于形式,把古典和现代融合在一起的创作风格。这次两人再度合作《红磨坊》更是干脆把这种手法发挥到了极至。
这部电影音乐的最大长处就是它没有拘泥于哪种形式,只要能起到烘托气氛,铺陈剧情的效果,就毫不犹豫地被引用进来,而影片的配乐更把传统的古典和现代的电子巧妙地共冶一炉,和魔幻化的视觉画面搭配起来,达到了熠熠生辉的效果导演Baz Luhrmann身兼电影原声带的制作人,再次发挥他对音乐的独到嗅觉。邀请流行、摇滚及舞曲界翘楚聚集一堂为多首经典好歌赋予新生命。首支单曲由Christina Agulera、Pink、Mya和Lil`Kim`齐声共飙Patti LaBelle名曲"Lady Marmalade(果酱女郎)",4位当红歌坛女力目前已将此曲推上Billboard流行单曲榜Top 3。
除了这首耳熟能详的老歌新唱曲,女主角 Nicole Kidman 首度献声的"SparkingDiamonds"是由麦当娜的"Material Girl"及老歌"Diamonds Are A Girl`s Best Friend"混合下的新品。另外警察合唱团的"Roxanne"、The Beatles的"All You Need Is Love"、"Up Where We Belong"、"I Will Always Love You"、"Pride(In The Name Of Love)"、"Rhythm Of The Night"等全部都是能勾起回忆的一时之选。男主角Ewan McGregor则与古典乐界备受瞩目的英俊小生沙费纳重唱Elton John的抒情金曲 "Your Song" ,并与Nicole Kidman深情对唱"Come What May"。
其它歌曲还包括U2主唱Bono翻唱T-Rex经典"Children Of The Revolution"、音乐怪杰Beck改造摇滚变色龙David Bowie的"Diamond Dogs";而Fatboy Slim一曲"Because We Can"拼贴出康康舞的疯狂热闹。值得一提的是第一首及最后一首歌曲采用Nat"King" Cole 1948年的冠军名曲,由David Bowie以浓厚百老汇歌舞剧风格的独唱版为原声带揭开序幕,最后再以David Bowie搭配Massive Attack现代感十足的版本作结尾;用如此诡变多端的音乐特性来强化电影的媚惑色彩,Baz Luhrmann不愧是鬼才。
1.Nature Boy
There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
The say he wandered very far, very far
over land and sea
But very wise was he
And then one day
One magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn,
is just to love and be loved in return"
2.Lady Marmalade
Lil' Kim:
Where's all my soul sisters
Let me hear y'all flow sisters
Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister
Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, go sister
He met Marmalande down in old Moulin Rouge
Strutting her stuff on the street
She said, hello, hey Joe
You wanna give it a go, oh
Gitchi gitchi ya ya da da (hey hey hey)
Gitchi gitchi ya ya here (here oh)
Mocca chocolata ya ya (ooh yeah)
Creole Lady Marmalade (ohh)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (oh oh)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (yeah yeah yeah yeah )
He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up
Boy drank all that magnolia wine
On her black satin sheets
Is where he started to freak, yeah
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (ooh)
Lil' Kim:
Yeah, yeah aw
We come through with the money and the garter belts
Let 'em know we 'bout that cake, straight out the gate
We independent women, some mistake us for whores
I'm saying, why spend mine when I can spend yours
Disagree, well that's you and I'm sorry
I'ma keep playing these cats out like Atari
Wear high hereled shoes, getting love from the Jews
Four bad ass ckicks from the Moulin Rouge
Hey sisters, soul sisters
Betta' get that dough sisters
We drink wine with diamonds in the glass
By the case, the meaning of expensive taste
We wanna gitchi gitchi ya ya (come on)
Mocca chocolata (what)
Creole Lady Marmalade
One more time, come on now
Marmalade (ooh)
Lady Marmalade (ooh yeah)
Marmalade (ohh)
Hey, hey, hey
Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth, oh
Color of cafe au lait, alright
Made the savage beast inside
Roar until he cried
More, more, more
Now he's back home doing nine to five (nine to five)
Living a gray flannel life
Christina :
But when he turns off to sleep, memories keep
More, more, more
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (all my sisters, yeah)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (ohh)
Come on, uh
Missy Elliot: Christina (Moulin)
Pink (Lady Marmalade)
Lil' Kim (Hey, hey, uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh)
Mya (Oh oh ohh)
Pockwilder baby ( Lady)
Moulin Rouge (Oh ooh)
Da dum da dum
Misdemeanor here
Creole Lady Marmalade, ooh yes-ah
4.Sparkling Diamonds
The French are glad to die for love
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat
Or help you feed your helpless cat
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear shape these rocks don't fluid their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend
Cause we are living in a material world and I am a material girl
Come and get me boys
Black star, Ross Cole talk to my Harry Zidler, tell me all about it!
There are may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer
But diamonds are a girls best friend
There may come a time when a hard-worked employer thinks you're
Awful nice
But get that ice or else on dice
He's your guy when fights are high so beware when they start to say
Diamonds are a girl's best
Diamonds are a girl's best
Diamonds are a girl's best friends
Let's make love
Yes! Yes! Tiger!
Cause that's when those louses go back to their spouses
Diamonds are a girl's best friends
5.Rhythm Of The Night
(I believe you are expecting me)
And it's called the Moulin Rouge
(Let's Dance)
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Forget about the worries on your mind (x2)
When it feels like
The world is no your shoulders
And all of those madness
Has got you going crazy
It's time to get out
So about to the street
Where all of the action
Is right there, at your feet,
I know a place where we can
Dance the whole night away
And it's called the Moulin Rouge
Just come with me and we can
Shake your blues right away
You'll be doing fine once the music
To the best of the rhythm of the night
Dance until the morning light
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Oohh the rhythm of the night
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
La la la la la la la
Look a the street now
The party's just beginning
The music's playing
A celebration's starting
Under street lights
The scene is being set
A night for romance
A night you won't forget, so
Come join the fun
This ain't no time to be staying at home
Moulin Rouge's just gonna to be staying at home
Tonight is gonna be a night like you've never know
We're gonna have good time the whole night long
(Oh baby)
6.Your Song
My gift is my song
And this one's for you
And you call tell everybody
That this is your song
It maybe quite simple byt
Now that it's done
Hope you don't mind
Hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the would
Sat on the roof
And I kicked off the moss
Well some of these fosses were there
They get me quite cross
But the sun's been kind
While I wrote this song
It's for people like you that
Keep it turned on
So excuse me for forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten
If they're green or they're blue
The only thing is
But I really love you
You are the sweetest stars
I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
And maybe it quite simple but
Now that's it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in world
How wonderful life is now you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world
7.Children Of The Revolution
Well you can bump and grind
It it's good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout
Let it all hang out
But you won't fool the children of the revolution
No you wont's fool the children of the revolution
No no no
Well you can tear a plane
In the falling rain
I drive a Rolls Royce
Cos it's good for my voice
8.One Day I'll Fly Away
I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
when will love to through wiht me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dreamt the day when dreaming end
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream
And dreamt the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Fly fly away
9.Diamond Dogs
As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent
You asked for the latest party
With you silicone hump and your ten inch stump
Dressed like a priest you was
Tod browning's freak you was
Crawling down the alley on your hands and knee
I'm sure you're not protected, for it's plain to see
The diamond dogs are poachers and they hide behind
Hunt you to the ground they will , mannequins with kill
(Will they cone?)
I'll keep a friend serene
(Will they come?)
Oh baby, come unto me
(Will they come?)
Well, she's come, been and gone.
Come out of the garden, baby
You'll catch your death in the fog
Young girl, they call them the Diamond Dogs
Young girl, they call them the Diamond Dogs
In the year of the scavenger, the season of the bitch
Sashay on the boardwalk, scurry to the ditch
Just another future song, lonely little kitsch
There's gonna be sorrow try and wake up tomorrow
The Halloween Jack is a real cool cat
And he lives on top of Manhattan Chase
The elevator's broke, so he slides down a rope
Onto the street below, oh Tarzie, go man go
Ooh, call them the Diamond Dogs
Call them the Diamond Dogs
10.Elephant Love Medley
Love is a many splendored thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love
Please don't start that again
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat
All you need is love
She'll end up on the street
All you need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for loving you baby
You were made for loving me
The only way you were loving me baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night
Just one night
There's no way
Cause you can't pay
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive without your sweet love
Oh baby don't leave me this way
You think that people would have enough
of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh no
Some people wanna fill the world with silly
love songs
Well what's wrong with that
I like to know
Cause here I go again
Love lifts us up where we belong
Where the eagles fly
On a mountain high
Love makes us sad like we are
throw our lives away
For one happy day
We could be hdroes
Just for one day
You, you will be mean
No I won't
And I, I will drink all the time
We should be lovers
We can't do that
We should be lovers
And that's a fact
No nothing would keep us together
We could steal time
Ewan & Nicole:
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Just because I, and I will always love you
Ewan & Nicole:
I only can't help it
How wonderful life is now
Ewan & Nicole:
You're in the world
11.Come What May
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves whit such a perfect grace
Ewan and Nicole:
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
But our world revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you (I love you)
Until the end of time
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
We'll drive you
We'll drive you
We'll drive you
You don't have to put on that red light
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong of if it is right
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
You don't have to sell your body to the night
His eyes upon your face
His hand upon your hand
His lips caress your skin
It's more than I can stand
Why does my heart cringe? (Roxanne)
Feelings I can't fight (Roxanne)
You afraid to leave me but
Just don' deceive me
And please believe me when I say
I love you
Roxanne (why does my heart cringe?)
You don't have to put on that red light
You don't have to wear that dress tonight (Feelings I can't hide)
Roxanne (why does my heart cringe?)
You don't have to put on that red light
Roxanne (Feelings I can't hide)
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
14.Hindi Sad Diamond
She is mine
(I only speak the truth)
Best friends
Best friends
And we all lose our charms
In the end
Diamonds are a
She is mine (She is mine)
16.One More Night
Written by Christine McVie.
One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
She doesn't like sleeping alone
You may come home one morning
And find she's not sleeping alone
Oh, then baby you'll see
Oh yes, you should have stayed at home
One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
She doesn't like sleeping alone
Just one more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
Oh, wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tightIf you want her, better get her now
Or she'll be running away somehow
Oh, it's not for me to say
If she'll be happy some other way
One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
She doesn't like sleeping alone
Oh, One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
Oh, wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tight
Don't be a fool
Just one more lonely night
Oh, One lonely night
Wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tight
Don't be a fool
Just one more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
Oh, wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tight
题注: 红磨坊以前和现在据说都是巴黎的夫子庙,专门骗外地旅游者的钱的.
十九世纪末,巴黎蒙马特区的红磨坊以女子露大腿的康康舞再度扬名世界,无论贫贱聪愚,人人来此纵欲狂欢,*妓与嫖客、毒品烟酒、寻求创作灵感的艺术家、与络绎不 绝的观光客,为这个地方更增华丽、颓废的魅惑色彩。
开场选择的情歌皇帝 Nat King Cole,在50年代演唱的一首经典爵士作品《Nature boy》(天生男孩),就牢牢抓住了我的耳朵。在原来的版本中,这首歌虽然也有些淡淡的惆怅,但更多的是一种深情款款的憧憬。为了配合影片的悲剧主题,Craig放慢了弦乐的步伐,使整个乐章弥漫着一种浓密的愁云,而后又用管乐的瞬间爆发制造出震撼的戏剧效果。值得一提唱片公司在这部电影原声的商业版中,又衍生出了两个效果截然不同的版本,一个是David Bowie演绎的独唱版,低沉压抑中带着几许愤怒;另一个是David和知名电子乐团Massive Attack合作的现代版,彻底改变了原来歌曲中的那种怀旧效果,甚至有了些未来色彩。可惜这两个版本都不是影片中出现的版本,幸好随着这部影片的发行,电影公司曾经制作过一张宣传版的原声,才让我如愿以偿地欣赏到影片中那个典型百老汇式的版本,其中那一声"LOVE RETURN"的怒吼,爆发出的戏剧张力远非上面两个流行版所能比拟的。另外,在宣传版的原声CD上,还特意增加了一个纯管弦乐版本,虽然没有人声大起大落的渲染,但是管乐的爆发力来得丝毫不遑多让。
影片《红磨坊》的一个最大特色,就是其中的插曲基本上都是一些经典流行歌曲改编的。象男主角Christian在和女主角Satine初次相见时演唱的一曲《Your Song》,就是摇滚歌星Elton John一首脍炙人口的作品,不过稍微改变了一下歌词而已,就准确表现出男主角作为一个情窦初开的少年,那种爱情至上的纯真感情,尽管有些肉麻,但不能否认很能打动人。让我感到意外的是Christian的扮演者Ewan McGregor,虽然他不是职业歌手,但那高亢嘹亮的嗓音相当有天分,演唱这首歌时所需要的那种激情非常到位,开篇的一句"我的就是我的歌"已经显示出不俗的音乐素养,而后平稳流畅的歌声更是一气呵成,没有丝毫拖沓,在专业的美声男高音里,仍然没有被淹没,实在难得。在宣传版的原声,不仅有Ewan McGregor演唱版,还增加了一个纯音乐的版本。作曲家Craig Armstrong以钢琴为主轴,辅以弦乐流畅舒缓的旋律,给人以情到深处,尽在不言中的美妙感觉。收尾部分的钢琴则采用地道的古典技法,展现出男主角温柔典雅的绅士气息。
当然,作为一部歌舞片,如果都是些陈年旧作,难免引来非议。但是说创作者偷工减料,难免有些偏颇,因为这部影片的主题歌《Come What May》是地地道道的原创作品。蛰伏好一段日子的教父级制作人David Forst一出手就不凡,这首《Come WhatMay》不仅有着朗朗上口的优美年旋律,更在风格上保持了和其它引用作品的统一性,因此没有一点突兀的感觉。David避重就轻的手法,使两位非职业歌手的主演在演绎这部作品时,发挥了自己的最高水平,酣畅淋漓的歌声成为全片的一个亮点。
和 Ewan McGregor 相比,女主角的扮演者 Nicole Kidman 虽然也很卖力,但唱功上就差了一截,特别是到了高音部分,经常出现明显的声音失控,别的不说。她在演唱《One Day I'll Fly Away》(有天我将展翅高飞)时,那句Yesterday尾音特别僵硬,而且这还是在整个歌曲放低了调门的情况下。所以在演绎《SparklingDiamonds》这种带难度的爵士作品,不得不把原来曲子的调子进一步放低。这样,不仅可以遮盖高音表现上的不足,也能展现爵士风骚入骨的特点,别说,那低沉沙哑的声音还真有几分性感。最后不得不提到的是收录在宣传版原声中的一首《A Fool ToBelieve》(一个信任未来的傻瓜)。这首歌并没在商业版原声中出现,但却是这个电影中 Nicole Kidman 演绎得最好的一首作品。它是女主人公被告之自己患有绝症,不久于人世时,万念俱灰中所演唱的。Nicole低沉的嗓音和阴郁沮丧的旋律配合得相得益彰,不但没有走音或者声音失控的情况,而且比其它作品都显得流畅。原因无他,这首歌是Craig Armstrong根据她的音域而特别创作的,作为一名非职业歌手,演绎起来自然要容易流畅许多。
这部影片的成功在很大程度上依靠的是音乐衬托,除了上面讲到的歌曲,CraigArmstrong创作的配乐更是起到了举足轻重的作用,所以才能赢得包括金球奖在内的多个最佳电影配乐奖。曾经先后为《Romeo & Juliet》(罗密欧与朱丽叶)、《BoneCollector》(人骨拼图)、《Kiss Of Dragon》(龙之吻)等影片作曲的Craig是近年来好莱坞配乐领域备受好评的新贵。早在他和导演Baz Luhrmanns合作《Romeo &Juliet》时,我们已经领教了他那种不拘泥于形式,把古典和现代融合在一起的创作风格。这次两人再度合作《红磨坊》更是干脆把这种手法发挥到了极至。
这部电影音乐的最大长处就是它没有拘泥于哪种形式,只要能起到烘托气氛,铺陈剧情的效果,就毫不犹豫地被引用进来,而影片的配乐更把传统的古典和现代的电子巧妙地共冶一炉,和魔幻化的视觉画面搭配起来,达到了熠熠生辉的效果导演Baz Luhrmann身兼电影原声带的制作人,再次发挥他对音乐的独到嗅觉。邀请流行、摇滚及舞曲界翘楚聚集一堂为多首经典好歌赋予新生命。首支单曲由Christina Agulera、Pink、Mya和Lil`Kim`齐声共飙Patti LaBelle名曲"Lady Marmalade(果酱女郎)",4位当红歌坛女力目前已将此曲推上Billboard流行单曲榜Top 3。
除了这首耳熟能详的老歌新唱曲,女主角 Nicole Kidman 首度献声的"SparkingDiamonds"是由麦当娜的"Material Girl"及老歌"Diamonds Are A Girl`s Best Friend"混合下的新品。另外警察合唱团的"Roxanne"、The Beatles的"All You Need Is Love"、"Up Where We Belong"、"I Will Always Love You"、"Pride(In The Name Of Love)"、"Rhythm Of The Night"等全部都是能勾起回忆的一时之选。男主角Ewan McGregor则与古典乐界备受瞩目的英俊小生沙费纳重唱Elton John的抒情金曲 "Your Song" ,并与Nicole Kidman深情对唱"Come What May"。
其它歌曲还包括U2主唱Bono翻唱T-Rex经典"Children Of The Revolution"、音乐怪杰Beck改造摇滚变色龙David Bowie的"Diamond Dogs";而Fatboy Slim一曲"Because We Can"拼贴出康康舞的疯狂热闹。值得一提的是第一首及最后一首歌曲采用Nat"King" Cole 1948年的冠军名曲,由David Bowie以浓厚百老汇歌舞剧风格的独唱版为原声带揭开序幕,最后再以David Bowie搭配Massive Attack现代感十足的版本作结尾;用如此诡变多端的音乐特性来强化电影的媚惑色彩,Baz Luhrmann不愧是鬼才。
1.Nature Boy
There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
The say he wandered very far, very far
over land and sea
But very wise was he
And then one day
One magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn,
is just to love and be loved in return"
2.Lady Marmalade
Lil' Kim:
Where's all my soul sisters
Let me hear y'all flow sisters
Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister
Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, go sister
He met Marmalande down in old Moulin Rouge
Strutting her stuff on the street
She said, hello, hey Joe
You wanna give it a go, oh
Gitchi gitchi ya ya da da (hey hey hey)
Gitchi gitchi ya ya here (here oh)
Mocca chocolata ya ya (ooh yeah)
Creole Lady Marmalade (ohh)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (oh oh)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (yeah yeah yeah yeah )
He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up
Boy drank all that magnolia wine
On her black satin sheets
Is where he started to freak, yeah
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (ooh)
Lil' Kim:
Yeah, yeah aw
We come through with the money and the garter belts
Let 'em know we 'bout that cake, straight out the gate
We independent women, some mistake us for whores
I'm saying, why spend mine when I can spend yours
Disagree, well that's you and I'm sorry
I'ma keep playing these cats out like Atari
Wear high hereled shoes, getting love from the Jews
Four bad ass ckicks from the Moulin Rouge
Hey sisters, soul sisters
Betta' get that dough sisters
We drink wine with diamonds in the glass
By the case, the meaning of expensive taste
We wanna gitchi gitchi ya ya (come on)
Mocca chocolata (what)
Creole Lady Marmalade
One more time, come on now
Marmalade (ooh)
Lady Marmalade (ooh yeah)
Marmalade (ohh)
Hey, hey, hey
Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth, oh
Color of cafe au lait, alright
Made the savage beast inside
Roar until he cried
More, more, more
Now he's back home doing nine to five (nine to five)
Living a gray flannel life
Christina :
But when he turns off to sleep, memories keep
More, more, more
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (all my sisters, yeah)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi, ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez-Vous coucher avec moi (ohh)
Come on, uh
Missy Elliot: Christina (Moulin)
Pink (Lady Marmalade)
Lil' Kim (Hey, hey, uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh)
Mya (Oh oh ohh)
Pockwilder baby ( Lady)
Moulin Rouge (Oh ooh)
Da dum da dum
Misdemeanor here
Creole Lady Marmalade, ooh yes-ah
4.Sparkling Diamonds
The French are glad to die for love
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat
Or help you feed your helpless cat
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear shape these rocks don't fluid their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend
Cause we are living in a material world and I am a material girl
Come and get me boys
Black star, Ross Cole talk to my Harry Zidler, tell me all about it!
There are may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer
But diamonds are a girls best friend
There may come a time when a hard-worked employer thinks you're
Awful nice
But get that ice or else on dice
He's your guy when fights are high so beware when they start to say
Diamonds are a girl's best
Diamonds are a girl's best
Diamonds are a girl's best friends
Let's make love
Yes! Yes! Tiger!
Cause that's when those louses go back to their spouses
Diamonds are a girl's best friends
5.Rhythm Of The Night
(I believe you are expecting me)
And it's called the Moulin Rouge
(Let's Dance)
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Forget about the worries on your mind (x2)
When it feels like
The world is no your shoulders
And all of those madness
Has got you going crazy
It's time to get out
So about to the street
Where all of the action
Is right there, at your feet,
I know a place where we can
Dance the whole night away
And it's called the Moulin Rouge
Just come with me and we can
Shake your blues right away
You'll be doing fine once the music
To the best of the rhythm of the night
Dance until the morning light
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
To the beat of the rhythm of the night
Oohh the rhythm of the night
Forget about the worries on your mind
We can leave them all behind
La la la la la la la
Look a the street now
The party's just beginning
The music's playing
A celebration's starting
Under street lights
The scene is being set
A night for romance
A night you won't forget, so
Come join the fun
This ain't no time to be staying at home
Moulin Rouge's just gonna to be staying at home
Tonight is gonna be a night like you've never know
We're gonna have good time the whole night long
(Oh baby)
6.Your Song
My gift is my song
And this one's for you
And you call tell everybody
That this is your song
It maybe quite simple byt
Now that it's done
Hope you don't mind
Hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the would
Sat on the roof
And I kicked off the moss
Well some of these fosses were there
They get me quite cross
But the sun's been kind
While I wrote this song
It's for people like you that
Keep it turned on
So excuse me for forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten
If they're green or they're blue
The only thing is
But I really love you
You are the sweetest stars
I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
And maybe it quite simple but
Now that's it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in world
How wonderful life is now you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world
7.Children Of The Revolution
Well you can bump and grind
It it's good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout
Let it all hang out
But you won't fool the children of the revolution
No you wont's fool the children of the revolution
No no no
Well you can tear a plane
In the falling rain
I drive a Rolls Royce
Cos it's good for my voice
8.One Day I'll Fly Away
I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
when will love to through wiht me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dreamt the day when dreaming end
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream
And dreamt the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Fly fly away
9.Diamond Dogs
As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent
You asked for the latest party
With you silicone hump and your ten inch stump
Dressed like a priest you was
Tod browning's freak you was
Crawling down the alley on your hands and knee
I'm sure you're not protected, for it's plain to see
The diamond dogs are poachers and they hide behind
Hunt you to the ground they will , mannequins with kill
(Will they cone?)
I'll keep a friend serene
(Will they come?)
Oh baby, come unto me
(Will they come?)
Well, she's come, been and gone.
Come out of the garden, baby
You'll catch your death in the fog
Young girl, they call them the Diamond Dogs
Young girl, they call them the Diamond Dogs
In the year of the scavenger, the season of the bitch
Sashay on the boardwalk, scurry to the ditch
Just another future song, lonely little kitsch
There's gonna be sorrow try and wake up tomorrow
The Halloween Jack is a real cool cat
And he lives on top of Manhattan Chase
The elevator's broke, so he slides down a rope
Onto the street below, oh Tarzie, go man go
Ooh, call them the Diamond Dogs
Call them the Diamond Dogs
10.Elephant Love Medley
Love is a many splendored thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love
Please don't start that again
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat
All you need is love
She'll end up on the street
All you need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for loving you baby
You were made for loving me
The only way you were loving me baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night
Just one night
There's no way
Cause you can't pay
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive without your sweet love
Oh baby don't leave me this way
You think that people would have enough
of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh no
Some people wanna fill the world with silly
love songs
Well what's wrong with that
I like to know
Cause here I go again
Love lifts us up where we belong
Where the eagles fly
On a mountain high
Love makes us sad like we are
throw our lives away
For one happy day
We could be hdroes
Just for one day
You, you will be mean
No I won't
And I, I will drink all the time
We should be lovers
We can't do that
We should be lovers
And that's a fact
No nothing would keep us together
We could steal time
Ewan & Nicole:
Just for one day
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Forever and ever
We can be heroes
Just because I, and I will always love you
Ewan & Nicole:
I only can't help it
How wonderful life is now
Ewan & Nicole:
You're in the world
11.Come What May
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves whit such a perfect grace
Ewan and Nicole:
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
But our world revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you (I love you)
Until the end of time
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
We'll drive you
We'll drive you
We'll drive you
You don't have to put on that red light
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong of if it is right
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
You don't have to sell your body to the night
His eyes upon your face
His hand upon your hand
His lips caress your skin
It's more than I can stand
Why does my heart cringe? (Roxanne)
Feelings I can't fight (Roxanne)
You afraid to leave me but
Just don' deceive me
And please believe me when I say
I love you
Roxanne (why does my heart cringe?)
You don't have to put on that red light
You don't have to wear that dress tonight (Feelings I can't hide)
Roxanne (why does my heart cringe?)
You don't have to put on that red light
Roxanne (Feelings I can't hide)
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
14.Hindi Sad Diamond
She is mine
(I only speak the truth)
Best friends
Best friends
And we all lose our charms
In the end
Diamonds are a
She is mine (She is mine)
16.One More Night
Written by Christine McVie.
One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
She doesn't like sleeping alone
You may come home one morning
And find she's not sleeping alone
Oh, then baby you'll see
Oh yes, you should have stayed at home
One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
She doesn't like sleeping alone
Just one more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
Oh, wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tightIf you want her, better get her now
Or she'll be running away somehow
Oh, it's not for me to say
If she'll be happy some other way
One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
She doesn't like sleeping alone
Oh, One more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
Oh, wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tight
Don't be a fool
Just one more lonely night
Oh, One lonely night
Wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tight
Don't be a fool
Just one more lonely night
Just one more lonely night
Oh, wouldn't you like to be the one
Holding her tight
标签: 回忆录
1 条评论:
ft,读的脖子都酸了,最喜欢里面那首< come what may>,西西
kelfen, 时间
2007年4月30日星期一 GMT+8 13:35:00
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